Boosting natural energy: Chronic fatigue syndrome, or simply requiring additional exercise - consider energy and metabolism as companions. Using ingredients grown naturally on Earth, your inner health receives the best it deserves. Support metabolism: reduce unnecessary swelling and insufficient metabolism. Provide natural plant extracts and essential amino acids for your body. Suitable for both men and women. Fighting stress and fatigue: effective roots, fruits, and herbs from around the world. This formula provides nutrients for life, quickly absorbs and optimizes your aerobic energy, relieves fatigue, and promotes metabolism. Adaptive herbal complexes. Natural ingredients: composed of 12 plant extracts, amino acids, and vitamins, providing micronutrients and improving cellular energy.


  • Brand: 100% Pure
  • Brand Name: DJDJ
  • Department Name: ADULT
  • Gender: Unisex
  • Manufacturer: Super
  • Packaging: Bottle
  • Product Specification: 60 pieces
  • Shelf Life: 2years
  • Usage And Dosage: Twice a day,one capsule at a time
  • Weight: 0.12
  • concerned: None